Please see the 'opening times' page for the details of hours at all three surgeries.
If you would prefer to see a male or female doctor please let the reception staff know.
Seeing the right person?
You will be asked by the receptionist why you need to see the doctor, they are not being nosey but just trying to ensure you see the correct person. There are many things the practice nurse can help with such as smears, immunisations, travel health, B12 injections, medication reviews, asthma and diabetic checks. There are also other clinicians who you may be able to see instead of a doctor. If you are uncomfortable saying what the problem is, you do not have to but answering helps us to prioritise you needs urgent help and who might be able to wait a bit longer for an appointment. We will always ask for a reason for our urgent "on the day" clinic. Remember, pharmacists can offer advice and recommend medication to help with a number of conditions.
Evening Surgeries
Evening consultations (17:30 to 20:30) with a doctor or nurse are available at Connel Surgery on one evening per week (normally a Wednesday or a Thursday). These appointments are particularly aimed at patients unable to visit the surgery during normal opening hours but can be booked by anyone.
If you require a doctor urgently during working hours (08:00 to 18:00 Monday to Friday) telephone 01631 710 229
Telephone Consultations
You do not always need to come into the surgery to speak with a doctor or nurse. You can request a telephone consultation yourself or your doctor or nurse may suggest this method for follow-up or to discuss the results of tests.
All you need to do is give reception the telephone number where you can be contacted and
you will be given an approximate time when you will be called.
Practice Nurses
In a number of cases it might be worth considering an appointment with a practice nurse rather than a doctor. Practice nurses are qualified to deal with many ailments and you may be seen more quickly. Our practice nurses can provide information and advice on health promotion, routine immunisations, travel health and the management of chronic conditions such as asthma, diabetes and heart disease and also on minor ailments and wound care.
If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason please inform us as soon as possible in order for us to give the slot to someone else. If you use internet booking then you can cancel your appointment on-line.
Text Message
If we have an up to date mobile phone number for you, you will be sent a text reminder regarding your doctor or nurse appointment. This also allows you to cancel your appointment if it is no longer required.